About Us

We believe in quality not quantity

Who We Are

Wakan Pharma begun its operations in June 2010. We started our mission with the vision, “Provide Innovative, distinctive product that improves the quality of lives”. With the believes of High sense of Ethics, Customer Focus, creativity Competitive focus, Diversity and team work. Marketing of quality medicines in the field of alternative, herbal, nutraceuticals and health food products is our prime objective. In Pakistan the business in alternative medicines is growing rapidly, the companies involved in alternative medicines business has proved their presence in the main stream market. WAKAN Pharma started its sales operation in June 2010 and thankful to the sales and marketing teams for make Wakan pharma as leading name in the field of Alternative Medicine business. Wakan Pharma also believe in team work and care of our employes.

Our Mission

Our Mission is to provide innovative, distinctive products and series that saves and improves lives, satisfy customer needs and be recognized as a greater place to work.

Our Vision

Contribute toward improving the health of people around the world through the provision of innovative and reliable Products.